
In rare diseases everything started with a patient.

About Us

NAnA’s founding members on February 16, 2016. Bottom row from left: Valentina Chiulli, Daniele Martini, Beatrice Martini, Giuseppe Martini, Donatella Capone, Anna Bubbio Profumo, Notaio Matilde Covoni, Barbara Albano. Upper row: Fabio Trezzini, Roberto Albano, Simone Martini, Maurizio Capone, Marcello Martini.

NAnA ETS intends to carry on the intellectual and spiritual legacy of Francesca Martini, a person who in her 14 years of life, demonstrated such depth of purpose, originality and human qualities as to leave a distinctive and unique mark in the memory of all who knew her.

Constituent assets of the Association are Francesca’s cells, preserved by her parents at IRCSS Istituto Regina Elena in Rome and San Raffaele in Milan. The hope is that research on Francesca’s cells may one day reveal the genetic defect in Acute Myeloid Leukemia that caused her demise and thus prevent similar tragedies for other families.

NAnA ETS is also committed to the education of students in socially and economically disadvantaged circumstances.

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NAnA & the Research

Why did Acute Myeloid Leukemia have, in Francesca’s case, such a rapid and aggressive way of manifesting itself that it snatched her from life in very few days from the first onset of symptoms?

This is the precise question of NAnA’s research activities.

NAnA Music

When NAnA was created Francesca’s family felt the need to immediately do something for other young teenagers: that’s how in 2016 with Frontiers Music the idea of NAnA Music scholarships was born. Where to do it was a simple decision, the music school Francesca attended with such pleasure, the Sonus Factory in Rome, was chosen.

Scholarships are for: guitar – bass – drums – vocals – piano or keyboards. On Youtube the experiences of previous years.

Con la Chitarra

NAnA Initiatives

NAnA also organizes a number of initiatives to stimulate scientific research, raise awareness of rare diseases and raise funds.

The initiatives that NAnA pursues are:

  • RealEyes: uniting creativity and solidarity using donated works to raise funds for “Francesca’s Cells”
  • NAnA’s Ship: an event aimed at remembering Francesca Martini on the anniversary of her passing
  • A shirt for Francesca: funding a three-year PhD position in “Immunology, Molecular Medicine and Applied Biotechnology”
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