Giorgia Silvestrini: “Certainly NAnA played a key role in my career as an “aspiring researcher.” Winning the Francesca Martini prize for my master’s thesis marked the first major recognition for the achievements produced during my graduate internship. I am sure that joining this community will only enrich my journey as a scientist, allowing me to measure myself with other researchers who share my passion for hematology research”.

Francesca Orso: “I think the the NAnA ETS contributed to the foster my career giving visibility to my research project, in particular, I strongly believe the collaboration between NAnA ETS and SIBBM society could provide a strong support for the advancement of young scientists’ career.”

Stefano Di Giovenale: “Thanks to the support of NaNA Onlus and the award I received, I was able to partially offset expenses for a six-month Ph.D. visit to the Barozzi Lab at the Medical University of Vienna in 2023.”